Jennifer Duquain


Get to Know Jennifer!

Professional experience: 20 years as a Meeting Manager and an Event Producer.  Experience in radio and TV promotions, PR Firms and Fortune 500 Company Brand Launches, local DMC, event third-party management firms and leading corporate event departments. 

Event Experience:  High profile product launches, client summits, partner conferences, national sales meetings, tradeshows, exhibitor and sponsorship sales and management, user conferences, president’s club events and incentive meetings. 

Area of expertise:  Corporate Event Management

Role on the team: Meeting Management, Exhibitor and Sponsor Sales and Management, Production

Previous job: Manager of Event Marketing (in-house Fortune 500)

Family:  Married to Jason of 7 years. Daughter Isabelle starting Kindergarten

Favorite quote: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

What I most admire about BlackSheep: The integrity of the team is contagious. That I get the privilege of working with talented, authentic, hard-working people that I consider family. I am proud to be associated with a top-notch team of experts.

William Bowling